Two meetings and two portraits... just as Naomi and Keith were leaving, Dino, Krista, Mike and Ashnil arrived. Dino needed to get his headshot done. He's a successful businessman but wants to do some acting, so if any casting directors are reading.... ;-D
Technical lighting details for those that are interested:
We did a few shots outside but decided to do a sharper cleaner look inside with studio flash. I used very simple, but I believe effective, lighting setup. The strobe was placed at ceiling height, about 30° to Dino's right and 3 feet in front of him, with a black-backed white umbrella attached. A 42" white reflector was placed at his feet in front of him on the floor, angling up towards his face. Another flash was placed in front of the reflector and set to "slave", so that it would fire simultaneously with the main studio strobe. In this way, the shadow created by the main flash under Dino's chin was reduced. I didn't want to eliminate the shadow altogether, because we often rely on shadows visually to define dimension and shape. The main light was high above him and to the side(he was seated) so as to light the wall behind while casting no shadow.

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